In English

Rifo – Bringing Together MPs and Researchers
Rifo, is a forum for facilitating contact and dialogue between members of the Riksdag and researchers. One of Rifo’s most important tasks is to identify at an early stage and focus on issues that, due to scientific and technical developments, have great significance in the work of the Riksdag. Rifo has approx. 440 members.

Rifo’s activities include

  • Meetings addressed by leading researchers on current themes followed by general discussion.
  • Seminar series on chosen fields of interest.
  • Study visits to research institutions or companies.

If you are a member of the Riksdag or a post-doctoral scientist actively involved in research and you would like to become a member of Rifo, you are welcome to contact the Rifo Secretariat, Lars Eriksson for further information.

Contact information
Lars Eriksson
Senior Research Officer
Sveriges riksdag, 100 12 Stockholm
Tel: +46-8-786 63 59
Mob +46-70-631 26 03

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